Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ma Vie

People often tell me that life is what you make it out to be. You are the only one who makes the decisions and you are the one who deals with the consequences. Lately between my friends and I, there have been numerous converstaions revolving around the idea of whether or not fate exists. Personally, I thin these two topics overlap. Can you really have full control of your life when things are already fated to go in a certain direction?

I believe that things do happen for a reason- whether you are able to fully understand the reasoning behind it or not. I believe that even if things are exceptionally difficult at the moment, light will shed over the situation in the future and you will learn the lesson that was intended. I do not believe in luck. I believe that the decisions you make in your life pave the road to how things are meant to come together in the long run. People are allowed to make mistakes in the hope that they will learn from them. You live, you love, you hurt, you grow and you LEARN.

If fate does exist, the troubles that people experience on a daily basis are a test of character/will/inner strength. You are not given a task that is more than you can handle. It is through times of hardship that people take the opportunity to learn and grow into the person they are meant to become. But it is the path that you take on the road to that self actualizing self that establishes that ideal person.

Do not let things defeat you. I just need to keep reminding myself that things do happen for a reason and to keep my head up. Someday I will be able to live my life for myself. I will be able to make my own decisions according to what I truly believe. I will live my life without fear of what others may think- especially at the exspense of losing own self in the process. I struggle with finding the inner strength to take a stand and make myself known to the rest of the world. I struggle with finding people in my life who will accept me for what I bring, rather than create expectations for me to live up to- regardless of whether or not I can fulfill them.

I am tired of being a disappointment to them when all I am trying to do is find my own path.