One day behind schedule to leave Corvallis. Five + minutes of scraping ice and snow off my car- the same car I hadn't driven in two days. Three hours on the road while stuck in traffic later. Countless songs rocked out to. Choice amount of swear words expressed. Three ice slides later. Two moments of scary black ice fun. Numerous crap drivers along T.V highway. One neighborhood road paved in ice and a struggle to get into my driveway... I'm back in Beaverton for the next two weeks.
Oh and I haven't done ANY Christmas shopping. And it's supposed to snow and ice over...again tomorrow. Joy. I really hope I don't get snowed in. It wouldn't be so bad if I were in Corvallis but being stuck with my family is not something I want to happen. I can't wait for 2008 to end. I think it's time for me to forget about all the crap that's happened this year. Or really, just everything that has happened since August. I wish I could wipe it all from my memory because every day I find myself not being able to stop thinking about him.