After everything I was able to experience these past few months, I sit here, alone on Christmas eve feeling...empty. This is one of my favorite holidays but this year, my heart just isn't in it anymore. I don't think the other members of my family did any Christmas shopping as a result of the freak snow storms but I did. I hope they like what I got them. I really only had one Christmas wish this year but I know it's not going to come true. But I can always dream- I've always been good at that. I know I'm going to be calling him tomorrow. It doesn't feel right not to...
I wish you all a very merry Christmas. May you, your families, and loved ones be blessed with many great memories, laughs and nothing but happiness. Set aside your differences and be happy. Be thankful. Love each other for what you have. This isn't about the materialistic things. It's about family, faith [hope] and having people accept you for who you are.
With love and warm wishes, Pop Tart