Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Childlike Innocence

Anyone who remotely knows me is well aware of the love I hold for children. I am still a child at heart. There is definitely a part of me that never wants to grow up completely. I hate thinking that there are some adults in the world who have given up on the simple things in life only to dive head first into a life that thrives on making money and being better than everyone else. What happens to that innocence we once all had? Well, I for one, never want to give that up. It is what creates who I am. Holding on to my innocence allows me to love and be as caring as I am today. And i wouldn't trade that for any amount of material success.

When I look at the world around me, I find myself feeling a bit nervous for the future. There is so much violence; so much corruption; and inequality in the world. It almost as though people have given up hope in the world's ability to become at peace with one another. Yeah, so I know the concept of world peace is all but a myth when people talk about it. But I'm one of the few who still believe that people really can do great things. I think this is where my ambition of working with underprivileged children stems from. I know that having a career in social work is not exactly a lucrative profession, but I know I would be so happy that I would be helping out kids who need help in their lives. To me, all children hold the hope we need for our future. They are the ones who will grow up and take on the jobs that we will give up in retirement. They are the ones who will change the ways of our society- at least they will if they are given the opportunities and are taught the errors of our past.

Children are brought into this world completely Brand new. They are oblivious to the wrongs of our society. They don't know violence or hate. They just know that they are brought into a new world. One that exists for them to make a mark on. The heart of a child cannot be measured. As far as they are concerned, they just want people to be happy. When I'm having a bad day, a kid's laughter will make all the difference. When I was taking child development classes in high school, my little buddies always knew when something was wrong. And when they picked up on it, they were always there to make it better because they "didn't want teacher Lien to be sad". There was a news report earlier this week about kids visiting Santa at the mall. Santa was interviewed and he mentioned that there were many kids who told him that all they wanted for Christmas was for him [Santa] to take their present and give it to a child who didn't have any presents. All this world needs is a bit of innocence and love.

There's just that je ne sais quoi about children that makes me believe that everything will really be okay. That there's hope for our future. That maybe someday, world peace wouldn't just be a laughable concept.