I have recently discovered that I can be a resentful person. Perhaps even subtley/passively vindictive. I guess I carry on a more peaceful front when around people but if someone were to wrong me, I have it in my right mind to give them a piece of their own medicine. With that being said, I do not resent very many people. Perhaps at one time, there was Charisza. And then Seth. But not both at once.
I think I do eventually get over whatever the other person did BUT it takes a long time. The other person never regains their place in my good graces.
I guess this might make me a bad person, but I believe strongly in treating people the way I want to be treated. If I wanted people to treat me like a bitch, I would be a bitch to everyone. But hey, I do not act that way and in return, people do not treat me as one. But if they do and I know with all honesty that I do not deserve it, I will retailiate. If you treat me poorly in any way, I will, and I promise, I WILL LET YOU KNOW.
People should never underestimate what they do not know. Especially when it comes to underestimating me.