Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I want to save the world, one child at a time.

Just when I think I have things in my life [relatively] figured out, some random curve ball is thrown my way. I usually fair pretty well when this happens but for some reason it did not go the way I thought it would. Let's just say this time around, I did not hit it out of the park.

I have spent the last couple of days in almost pure seclusion due a mutual game of the silent treatment combined with trying to avoid my family. With all of this extra time and silence on my hands, I have found myself constantly trying to rethink my life. I have given a lot of thought to how I want to live my life in the future- such as what I want to do for a living and where I want to relocate to. But on the other hand, I haven't come to a decent decision to what I want my life to be right now. I think it's more realistic to think in the present sense rather than the future but for some reason I find that more difficult.

The main thing I've given a lot of thought about has been about my family. I think it's time for me to move away from them. To slowly phase myself out of their lives. I don't know if I can bring myself to cut off all ties but I do know distance will do us a lot of good. So we'll see if I can gather enough courage to do just that.

That's all I need to make it through the tough times and whatever life throws at me- courage. I think I'll be okay.

Peace. Love.