Today marked my very first, "grown up" coffee meeting. In all 21+ years of my life, I have not had a chance to say to someone [older than me], "Let's meet up for coffee and discuss this". Earlier this morning , I met up with someone for coffee and had a lengthy discussion about me possibly joining her business. There is a one hundred dollar start up fee because I would essentially be running my own business- setting my own hours and making appointments on my own. Such an opportunity is so appealing to me because it allows me to earn money while still making sure I'm keeping my schedule under control for school. I really think I should take her up on this offer because there are so many benefits to it. It also is something I normally would not do for myself. This is me trying to grow up.
Toward the end of our meeting, we got into a social conversation about society and how it is so important for women, young and old alike, to be strong and show the rest of the world what they are capable of. Society has continuously made women out to be submissive and only capable of serving men. Although there is progress being made, women are still not really considered as being equal to men. The woman I was with had strong opinions to what we [as women] need to do in order to make the world more accepting of what a women is capable in life.
She made a strong, valid point about what it takes for women to create a stronger future. She wants to be sure to raise her daughters to be strong, independent people. She does not want to raise them to be people just like her, but rather the people she wants to be. When I heard that, I could not help but agree with everything she was saying. Personally, I believe that the generation we live in now does not have a lot of hope to changing its' discriminatory ways. It is difficult to change someone's views after they reach a certain age because they have grown accustomed to believing their own set of rules and ideals for their lifestyle. It is not to say that no one will ever want to change, but it is rare to find that one person who does wish to. But why shouldn't we do our small part in society and inform people about what needs to be changed to strengthen our future. Our children should be raised with smart ideas and hopefully they will gather enough courage to spread the word and make their generation the one to look forward to.
It is so nice to be able to have such a conversation with someone. We covered everything from sex to racial discrimination and tolerance. During our chat, we also talked about the idea of self fulfilling prophecy. It's important to believe that you, personally, are able and capable of doing anything you want to. If you think and believe you can then you can do it. If you think something will/should happen; then it will. Frankly, I think those are the best words to live by. I've been putting a lot of thought into this concept and I know I need to start adapting it into my lifestyle. I need to have faith in myself before anyone else can.
I've spent this whole summer trying to put myself out there and branch out from the norm. Even though it has only been about two months, I can already seeing myself grow as a person. I have done things I never thought I would do. I have been known to be somewhat dependent on my friends. I love spending time with people and as a result, I would feel somewhat awkward when I'm going places by myself. But now, I think I'm finally coming into my own. I worked for a bit this summer with brand new co workers- even spending a lunch hour with some of them and having one of them drive me to my car when we both closed one night. I went out and changed my hair cut to give me a boost of confidence and made myself hang out with my friends and their friends to expand my social circle. So far things have been working out in my favor. I have learned to let go of the things that have been holding me back. I even recently danced with a guy at club and met someone new that is interested in going out to dinner with me.
Really, I figure, what do I have to lose? I'm young and I have my whole life ahead of me. If I don't put myself out there, I will be forcing myself into missing out on so many experiences that I know I will regret later in life. I need to take this time to focus on the person I want to become- The happier, stronger, independent woman I know I least deep down.
Peace. Love.