Friday, March 20, 2009

A smile can sing the praise of many unknowing souls

When I'm sitting somewhere and people watching, the first thing I usually notice about people are their smiles. To me it shows how carefree or friendly someone is. I believe a smile can go a long way, especially if someone is having a bad day and a random stranger just flashes them a smile while walking by. It doesn't take a whole lot to help make someone else smile. This is primarily the reason why I try to smile all the time- even when things in my life aren't as great as I would like them to be. Smile, because you never know who might be falling in love with it.

Usually when I meet someone and am trying to determine whether or not I am interest in him, I gauge it first on how well they can make me smile. By no means am I talking about him having to crack jokes all day long or anything of that nature. It's really about the little things. It might be the cute way he greets me with, "hi cutie" or if he takes the time to send me a text message first thing in the morning- just to wish me a good day. After awhile, I know I have a full on crush on someone if even the thought of hearing from him makes me smile. Or the sound of his voice does. Just knowing that person wants to hear from me and cares enough to make that difference in my life. That's when I know it's worthwhile.

Even though it's not a lot to go off of at first, it does allow me to determine whether or not I want to even pursue something. I will be the first to admit that I don't make the best decisions about how I end up dating or having a relationship with. But it doesn't mean that my methods are faulty. I'm starting to think maybe the people I meet are "faulty" or rather they just aren't the right person for me.

I hate to use this as an excuse to justify why I can't seem to keep a relationship [or someone interested in me] long enough to see if anything meaningful can come out of it. But I think it does carry some weight with it. When someone takes an interest in me and makes me smile in the ways I previously mentioned, then I'm usually putty in their hands. I jump headfirst into things even though I know I shouldn't. Perhaps that's why I get myself into the situations I do. I need to start listening to my brain and less to my heart.

Speaking to guys in general- you should always make a girl smile. Tears don't get you anywhere and really, making them smile is NOT a way of getting them to trust you or to play your stupid little games. It's something that makes them feel better about themselves, and hopefully it will make you feel better about yourself in return.